
FNE Innovation: White Rabbit: Embrace Ze Fans: A Rabbit Chasing Pirates


    Film New Europe invites our guests Alan R. Milligan and Olivier Affre to tell us about the adventures of the White Rabbit in Cannes, after introducing this innovative project to our readers earlier this year. The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union.

    Cannes Marché du Film welcomed White Rabbit EZF in the frame of Cannes NEXT 2021 to present a “soft launch” of their solution to give access by Peer-to-Peer technology to films which don’t have the opportunity to reach their audience and grow their monetisation.

    What if fans stop pirating films and pay fairly to right-holders through P2P streaming?

    This is a win bet, Alan Milligan, White Rabbit founder, and Olivier Affre, operating partner, explained in Cannes in front of an audience of film producers desperate to finance their content and value their catalogues.

    It’s all about empowering small and medium film production and distribution companies from territories with a rich independent film legacy and a prolific creativity but not enough exposed to international distribution channels, structured market and local incentive schemes. The purpose is to improve their films' potential audience throughout Europe and the world by offering in a simple and direct way worldwide access to their film catalogues, and generate revenues through the White Rabbit extension.

    white rabbitTo follow the entire conference, click here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/570963670

    Want to know more about White Rabbit: http://www.filmneweurope.com/fne-innovation/item/121799-fne-innovation-embrace-the-fans-ezf