
FNE at Fest Anca: Slovak and Czech Producers Call for Increased Cooperation Between Czech and Slovak Public Broadcasters to Fund More Animation


    ŽILINA: Slovak and Czech animation producers have urged public broadcasters to increase coproductions between Czech and Slovak public television and to increase the emphasis on regional cooperation as the only solution to increase funding for animated TV projects in Slovakia.

    Jan Maxa, Director of Content and Formats Development at Czech Television said that the Czech Television might be open for coproducing animation with Slovakia. "Normally we are funding only domestic productions but we do not exclude the idea of collaborating with the Slovak Television", says Maxa.

    The Slovak and Czech officials and producers of animated films who attended a round table organised during the 8th Fest Anca (24-28 June 2015) said both Slovak and Czech public broadcasters need to commit more funding for animation content.

    Zuzana Mistriková from PubRes, who is coproducing Galina Miklínová's 3D feature animated film Lichožrúti/Oddsocketeaters (Total Helpart), said that the funding allotted by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund to animation is not enough. "The Czech Republic and Slovakia cannot generate enough money for a proper feature animation", says Mistriková. „Of course it is easier to fund short animated films, but they will be more difficult to distribute.“

    Tibor Búza, Programme Director at Radio and Television Slovakia (Rozhlas a televízia Slovensko, RTVS) said that that the budget won't grow too much in the next year or two.