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New cable TV channels to launch in Bulgaria


    Megalan Network, a Bulgarian internet provider, announced it will launch cable TV service by the end of the year, and Vi-Vesta Holding announced plans for an eco TV channel.

    According to The Sofia Echo, the company plans to begin with digital TV, offering interactive digital TV, with the expectations of doubling its client base, currently at 50,000, by the end of 2009.

    The ten-year-old company had a 170% increase in revenues in 2007. It invested 4 million euros into upgrading and expanding its cable network, and expects to spend over 7 milion in total.

    VTV launched on Friday, with a 1 million Euro investment, according to a report in News Guide Bulgaria. The "eco braodcaster" is available on cable, satellite, and internet, covering environmental topics. The station owner is Viktor Serov, and director is Milena Milotinova.