PRODUCTION: From Romania to Zion in Preproduction

BUCHAREST: Producer-director Oana Giurgiu is in preproduction with From Romania to Zion, a long documentary on Jewish immigration from Romania to Israel and the present relations between both countries. She plans to use archive materials and interviews in order to build a light, colourful film, "a journey through family life stories" with a glimpse at the complexity of 130 years of history.


PRODUCTION: Tadeusz Krol Shooting Last Floor


WARSAW: Polish filmmaker Tadeusz Krol started shooting his second film Last Floor on 23 October 2011 in Warsaw. Filming on the psychological thriller will continue until 15 December.


PRODUCTION: World Without End Shooting in Slovakia

BRATISLAVA: World Without End, an eight-part historical TV series with British director Michael Caton-Jones, is currently shooting in Slovakia. The series is the sequel to the 2010 Golden Globe-nominated TV epic The Pillars of the Earth.


PRODUCTION: Niascharian (Let’s Revive) Films in Romania and Moldavia

BUCHAREST: Leonardo Tonitza has begun shooting a long documentary on the origins of the Romanian language, Niascharian (Let's Revive)/Niascharian (Să renaştem). Preproduction began in March 2011, producer Alexandru Iclozan told FNE. Shooting takes place in several Romania locations and also in Chişinău, in the Republic of Moldavia.


PRODUCTION: Une Estonienne à Paris (Veel üks croissant) in Postproduction

TALLINN: Estonian director Ilmar Raag takes on French cinema classics by casting Jeanne Moreau in the lead role of his upcoming feature Une Estonienne à Paris (Veel üks croissant), currently in postproduction. The film is a co-production between TS Production (France), Amrion (Estonia, and La Parti Production (Belgium) and budgeted at a reported 1.9 million EUR.


PRODUCTION: Polish Six Degrees Moves Shoot to Mexico

WARSAW: The Polish documentary Six Degrees which tests the theory that everyone in the world is connected by only six degrees of separation (six people), has reached Mexico in a journey that began in June 2011 in Poland. The film drew wide interest when it was pitched at Docu Talents from the East at the Karlovy Vary IFF ( ) in July.


PRODUCTION: Portaits in a Forest Completes Shoot

BUCHAREST: Romanian director Dinu Tănase wraps filming 19 October 2011 on Portraits in a Forest, a contemporary police story involving a crime and an officer solving the case. Shooting started in September, takeing place in Bucharest and other Romanian towns.


Dostoyevsky’s The Idiot adapted by Estonian Director Rainer Sarnet

An adaptation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel, The Idiot (Idioot) by Estonian director Rainer Sarnet screened in the Flash Forward section of the Busan International Film Festival. The film, produced by Katrin Kissa of the Homeless Bob Productions and budgeted at a reported 565,000 EUR, opened domestically on 14 October 2011 to generally positive critical acclaim.


CentEast Works in Progress: Baby Blues

WARSAW: Polish director Katarzyna Rosłaniec explores the topic of teen pregnancy in her new drama Baby Blues presented at the CentEast forum in Warsaw.


CentEast Warsaw-Moscow Polish Works in Progress: Blind Watching

WARSAW: Polish director Andrzej Jakimowski (Tricks) is in post production with Blind Watching, a moving drama with documentary-style improvised moments about the importance of making a connection despite the loss of vision.


FNE at Varna Golden Rose FF: Rules of Single Life

Rules of Single Life, a character-driven documentary, was directed by Bulgaria born expat Tonislav Hristov, residing in Finland since 1999.


FNE at Varna Golden Rose FF: Mothers

The experimental three partsfilm Mothers by Milcho Manchevski is the Macedonian director's second coproduction with Bulgaria, following Shadows which was coproduced the Bulgarian company Camera ( Mothers was coproduced by Bulgaria's Elements with funding support from the Bulgarian National Film Center (,


FNE at Varna Golden Rose FF: Fish Cry Freedom

The low-budget 61-minute HD feature film Fish Cry Freedomis a feature debut from an Austrian film director and cultural anthropologist living in Munich, Wilma Kiener. Gergana Kofardzhieva and Itzko Finci star as two aging theatre actors preparing for a film in a desolate Sofia family kitchen.


PRODUCTION: The Last Days of Ceauşescu in Postproduction

BUCHAREST: Radu Gabrea is in the last stages of postproduction with his docu-drama The Last Days of Ceauşescu, with plans for a pre-premiere screening on Christmas, the day the Romanian dictator died 22 years ago.


FNE at Varna Golden Rose FF National Competition: Ave

Ave is a first feature film from Konstantin Bojanov, funded with €300,000 in public support from the National Film Center (, €14,000 - from the Bulgarian National Television (, €100,000 from KB Films and €50,000 from Camera.


PRODCUTION: Łukasz Barczyk to Direct Historical Polish Film

POZNAN: Łukasz Barczyk has been selected by the Marshal Office of the Great Poland region to direct a film about the Great Polish Uprising, the most successful of Polish insurrections. The major historical drama will be completed before December 2013.
