
Join MEDIA Salles at Cannes Film Festival!

     MEDIA Salles will be glad to meet the international cinema professionals attending the Cannes Film Festival at the “Italian wine and cheese reception” for the presentation of:

    DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future
    2014 edition: Munich and Lake Constance, 9 – 13 July
    The event will take place on Monday 19 May, from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm, at the Italian Pavilion.

    You’ll find the invitation attached.

    To register, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 16 May.

    MEDIA Salles will also take part to “Bits and Bites of Creative Europe”, the meeting organized by Creative Europe Desk Italy - Media Offices of Rome and Turin with Istituto Luce Cinecittà, focusing on cinema exhibition, on 17 May at 10 am, at the Italian Pavilion.

    On both occasions the latest edition of DiGiTalk will be available.

    Looking forward to seeing you in Cannes,

    Elisabetta Brunella
    Secretary General

    Founded in 1991, MEDIA Salles operates in the framework of the European Union’s MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government. The Association has always placed the promotion of European films through information and training specifically for cinema exhibitors at the centre of its mission.

    In the field of information, MEDIA Salles provides statistics on trends in cinema-going for all European countries and the leading world markets. This service has been joined, over the past few years, by a census of Europe’s digital cinemas and the elaboration of data and trends in digitalization internationally. As regards training, in 2014 the eleventh edition will be held of the only course offered by the MEDIA Programme to deal with the new technologies from the perspective of the movie theatres: “DigiTraining Plus: New Technologies for the European Cinemas of the Future” (Munich and Lake Constance, 9-13 July).

    On the website www.mediasalles.it the section DGT online informer is active and periodically updated and the European Cinema Yearbook can also be consulted (http://www.mediasalles.it/publicaz.htm).

    In addition, MEDIA Salles’ Facebook page provides professional players and all those interested with a time to market on the international distribution of Italian films, complete with dates and countries of release and other useful information.