
Message from the Director of the Istanbul Film Festival

    Dear guests of the Festival, we would like to keep you informed and up-to-date regarding the current situation ongoing at the Istanbul Film Festival.

    As you already know, the National Documentary Competition, the Golden Tulip National Competition, Golden Tulip International Competition, and the FACE Human Rights Competition of the festival were cancelled, and their juries resigned. In solidarity with the de facto barred film, majority of the filmmakers from Turkey declined to screen their films.

    The screenings of Golden Tulip International Competition films except for Shawkat Amin Korki’s “Memories on Stone”, and the screenings of the FACE Human Rights Competition films, except for Hisham Zaman’s “Letter to the King”, are continuing as scheduled. Zaman and Korki have declared that their films will not be screened, in solidarity. The producers and director of “Atlantic.” also decided to withdraw their film from the competition–though they will be going forward with the screening. Jafar Panahi whose film Taxi is also screened within the festival showed solidarity with the Turkish filmmakers.

    We are quite aware that most of you have travelled to Istanbul with the hope and aim of watching films produced in Turkey, and this situation prevents you to achieve this mission. We are quite sorry for this outcome. However, please note that most films whose public screenings are cancelled are still available on Festival Scope and we are planning to extend the availability of the Turkish productions within the screening room of the Istanbul Film Festival for another week. Most of the films’ press screenings are still going on. You can find the detailed and updated press screening schedules at our Hospitality Center at Akbank Sanat. Our hospitality and press department staff will be more than happy to assist you with any of your concerns and inquiries.  

    The following films will be screened as announced in the schedule:

    1)      Lawless

    2)      Missing Times

    3)      And the Circus Leaves Town

    4)      The Fish in Me

    5)      Çekmeköy Underground

    6)      Muna

    Alongside these critical developments, the festival is going on as planned with other scheduled screenings and events taking place–the audiences are at movie theatres.

    The right of free expression through cinematic works in artistic media is crucial, and we hope that this whole process will reach a consequence where a positive attitude will prevail. On 14 April Tuesday at 15.30, the film professionals’ guilds gathered for a press release in terms of the relevant regulations, impending cinema law, and finally freedom of expression for cinematic productions. You may find attached the press release issued and the list of the signatory filmmaker associations and festivals supporting. As the Istanbul Film Festival, we will be following the whole process.

    We hope that the final consequence will be a new and amended cinema law that will eventually defend, protect, and foster freedom of expression for cinematic productions.

    We keep receiving letters and messages of support from all over the world. We would like to thank you for your understanding and support,

    Azize Tan
    Istanbul Film Festival