
49th Krakow Film Festival Second day - 30.05.09 - highlights

    10am - the screening of the film „Rough Auntiesi" dir. Kim Longinotto. KIJÓW.CENTRUM CINEMA (feature-lenght competition).

    About the film: Durban is a meeting point of two completely different worlds: a centre of tourism and slums inhabited by the most numerous ethnic group in South Africa, the Zulu. They are secretive people, especially as regards sexuality. Rape and violence are common but not mentioned publicly. Five women are striving to stop this silence. They want to overcome the ailing legal system, indifference of society and corruption. They speak loud about sexual abuse, violence, HIV and AIDS. Special attention is devoted to children.

    2.30pm - the screening of the film „Rene" dir. Helena Třeštíkova. The cycle: In the Middle of Europe. POD BARANAMI CINEMA.

    For twenty years Helena Třeštíkova, an eminent Czech documentary film-maker, has been following the life of Rene who turned 18 in prison and is not able to find himself at large. This is a record ofm a relationship between the artist and the main character, who betrayed her confidence many a time and eventually stole her camera that was to be used to film his story. The film has received awards at festivals across the world.

    4.30pm - the screening of the film „Pizza in Auschwitz" dir. Moshe Zimerman (international competiton). Danny Chanoch, the main character of the film will attend the screening and Q&A session. KINO MIKRO.

    Danny Chanoch jako dziecko dokonał rzeczy niemożliwej - ocalał z zagłady pomimo pobytu w pięciu obozach koncentracyjnych. Po latach powraca wraz ze swymi dziećmi na Litwę i do Polski, by pokazać im miejsca, gdzie przeżył najpiękniejsze i najstraszliwsze dni. Niezwykła witalność głównego bohatera, okropne cierpienia i czarny humor czynią ten film wyjątkowym w swoim gatunku. Równie istotna, a dodatkowo kontrowersyjna, jest bezkompromisowość żydowskiego punktu widzenia, która dla polskiego widza będzie szczególnie wymagająca.

    7.00pm Presentation of the Dragon of the Dragons Award to Jerzy Kucia. With President of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski's participation. KIJÓW.CENTRUM CINEMA.

    Retrospectives of Jerzy Kucia's films - POWRÓT, REFLEKSY, WIOSNA, PARADA, STROJENIE INSTRUMENTÓW.

    8pm - the screening of the film: "Soul Power" dir. Jeffrey Levy-Hinte (cycle Sound of Music). POD BARANAMI CINEMA.

    Four punk rock musicians from the Chinese band Joyside are going on a journey around Europe. They will spend two months visiting completely new places which include a ‘Chinese' restaurant and a hospital in Bavaria. The trip to Europe is like a dream come true for the young musicians. Finally they may see the places associated with the greatest stars such as The Clash, Sex Pistols, Jim Morrison, David Bowie and many others.

    9.00pm - the screening of the film "Atomic! A Train of Mad Italians in China" dir. Giovanni Piperno. The director will attend the screening and Q&A session. (feature-lenght competition). KIJÓW.CENTRUM CINEMA.

    A special train with over 200 people on board sets off from Rome to Beijing. The passengers include patients suffering from mental health problems, their family members, voluntary workers and therapists. They visit European and Asian cities on the way, talk about their illnesses, relations with psychiatrists and electric shock therapy. They argue among one another and become frustrated with the onerous aspects of the journey. ‘Madness is a way to be normal', say film characters for whom this trans-Siberian train journey becomes an opportunity to express themselves.

    10.30pm - the screening of the film " The Joyside of Europe" dir. Lucian Busse. (cycle Sound of Music). The director will attend the screening and Q&A session. POD BARANAMI CINEMA.

    Four punk rock musicians from the Chinese band Joyside are going on a journey around Europe. They will spend two months visiting completely new places which include a ‘Chinese' restaurant and a hospital in Bavaria. The trip to Europe is like a dream come true for the young musicians. Finally they may see the places associated with the greatest stars such as The Clash, Sex Pistols, Jim Morrison, David Bowie and many others.

    pozdrawiam / best regards

    Anna E. Dziedzic


    Anna E. Dziedzic

    Rzecznik prasowy, PR Manager

    49th Krakow Film Festival: 29th May - 4th June 2009

    Tel: +48 12 294 69 45

    Mobile: +48 696 448 795

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    Web: www.kff.com.pl

    Last modified on 21-07-2012