GRANTS: Croatia Announces Development and Short Film Grants

ZAGREB: The Croatian Audiovisual Centre allotted 264,253EUR / 1,984,690 HRK for short film production grants as well as script and project development grants.

FESTIVALS: Zagreb Announces Competition Line-up

ZAGREB: Thirteen films will screen in the competition of the 14th Zagreb Film Festival, 12 – 20 November 2016.

FESTIVALS: Four Croatian Films in the Competition of the 14th Zagreb Film Festival

ZAGREB: Four of the thirteen titles competing for the Golden Pram of the 14th Zagreb Film Festival are Croatian productions. The festival takes place from 12 to 20 November 2016.

GRANTS: Croatia Announces Feature and Experimental Film Production Grants

ZAGREB: The Croatian Audiovisual Centre allotted 1,436,403 EUR / 10,790,000 HRK for the production of three feature films, one debut feature and one experimental film on 4 September 2016.

GRANTS: Croatia Announces Minority Coproduction and Animated Film Grants

ZAGREB: The Croatian Audiovisual Centre approved 556,730 EUR / 4,178,000 HRK for minority coproductions and animated films on 23 September 2016.

FESTIVALS: Croatian Constitution Wins Grand Prize of the Americas in Montreal

ZAGREB: Constitution by Rajko Grlić won the Grand Prize of the Americas (Best Film) at the 40th World Film Festival in Montreal (25 August- 5 September 2016). The film is…

GRANTS: Croatia Announces TV Development Grants

ZAGREB: The Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC) has approved 277,488.50 EUR as project development and script development grants for TV series and individual works for animated projects, documentaries and dramas. The…

Croatia Selects On the Other Side as Oscar Bid

ZAGREB: Zrinko Ogresta’s On the Other Side, a Croatian/Serbian coproduction, has been selected as Croatia’s entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards. The decision was…

FNE Europa Cinemas: Cinema of the Month: Kino Sloboda, Croatia

This month we speak with Đive Galov, the programme manager of Kino Sloboda, Dubrovnik.

New Europe Picks up Hana Jušić’s Venice Days Quit Staring at My Plate

ZAGREB: Croatian/Danish drama Quit Staring at My Plate by Hana Jušić, which will compete in this year’s Venice Days, has been acquired by New Europe Film Sales.

FESTIVALS: Viva Wins Motovun Film Festival

MOTOVUN: Irish/Cuban coproduction Viva by Paddy Breathnach has won the Propeller of Motovun at the 19th Motovun Film Festival, which took place from 26 to 30 July 2016.

FESTIVALS: Motovun Film Festival Kicks Off

MOTOVUN: The 19th edition of Motovun Film Festival, a festival primarily dedicated to films from small cinematographies and independent productions, will screen 13 films in the competition from 26 to…

Six International Productions Expected to Shoot in Croatia

ZAGREB: In the first half of 2016, four international productions chose Croatia as their filming location, with additional six in the pipeline. The projects originate from the UK, Denmark, Sweden,…

FESTIVALS: On the Other Side Wins Big at the 63rd Pula Film Festival

PULA: Zrinko Ogresta’s On the Other Side was awarded the Grand Golden Arena at the 63rd edition of Pula Film Festival, which took place from 9 to 16 July 2016.…

Robin Hood – Origins Produced by DiCaprio, Rumored to Shoot in Croatia

DUBROVNIK: Robin Hood – Origins, produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and starring Jamie Foxx, is rumored to shoot in Dubrovnik in January-February 2017.

Netflix Buys the Rights to Ivona Juka’s You Carry Me

ZAGREB: Ivona Juka’s debut feature You Carry Me / Ti mene nosiš has been bought by Netflix. This Croatian/Slovenian/Serbian/Montenegrin coproduction is the first film from the region bought by the…


PULA: Seven Croatian films and six minority coproductions are competing in the Croatian Programme of the 63rd Pula Film Festival taking place from 9 – 16 July 2016.

Cinema Mediterranean Caravan Revives Dalmatian Cinema

SPLIT: The biggest challenge of Cinema Mediterranean, the project of cinema revival in Dalmatia aiming to renew movie theaters and bring movie screenings to smaller towns, is to keep the…

PRODUCTION: American/Czech Series Knightfall Starts Shooting in Croatia

DUBROVNIK: The first season of the series Knightfall produced by the A&E Television Network (U.S.) and Stillking Films (Czech Republic) started shooting in Dubrovnik on 27 June 2016. The series,…

FESTIVALS: Anca Damian Wins Animafest 2016

ZAGREB: Magic Mountain by Romanian director Anca Damian won the Grand Prix for Best Feature Film at the 26th edition of the Croatian festival of animated films Animafest, which concluded…