TeliaSonera moves forward in plan to acquire TEO LT

The board of TEO LT announced that it has determined that TeliaSonera presented a fair price in its purchase offer for the telecommunications company.

Lithuania announces grants

The Lithuanian Cultural State Support Fund has announced its second stage of grants.

Lithuanian box office sets record

Lithuanian cinemas was 4.53 million Litas (€1.31 million) in box office in July, 2009, the country's biggest revenues in a one month period.

Production Vortex prepares September release

Film studio Studija 2 is preparing the theatrical release of the Lithuanian feature film Vortex (Duburys) on September 4, 2009..

FNE in KVIFF: Lithuanian Film Industry Struggles With Major Funding Cuts and Stalled Film Law

KARLOVY VARY: Lithuanian filmmakers are facing major obstacles with government funding cut from 2m Euros last year to just over 1m Euros this year. Adding to the small film industry's…
06-07-2009 m

SNORAS announces media investment

The Lithuanian SNORAS Group announced that it acquired a 34% stake in Lietuvos rytas, the largest Lithuanian mass media group.

Lithuanian box office in decline

Lithuania‘s movie theatres have posted 12.8 million Litas (3.7 million Euros) in box-office revenues in the first quarter of 2009, down 5% from the 13.5 million Litas (3.9 million Euros)…

Decline in ad revenues hits Lithuania

The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania ( reported that advertising revenues at commercial televisions in the first quarter of 2009 decreased by 14.7 million Litas ( €4.3 million) or…

Production: Excursionist filming in Lithuania

Director Audrius Juzėnas is shooting the Lithuanian feature film The Excursionist (Ekskursantė) through May 23 in Vilnius.

Lithuanian Farewell in postproduction

The Lithuanian-Polish-Dutch co-production feature film Farewell (Atsisveikinimas) directed by Tomas Donela is now in postproduction.

First Lithuanian film goes online

Cinema Spring film festival launched the first Lithuanian film online, Jurate Samulionyte's stop-motion film No Routine on March 30.

Lithuanian documentary gets cinema distribution

Agne Marcinkeviciute's documentary Dance in thte Desert premieres on February 18 in Vilnius with nation-wide distribution beginning on February 19

Lithuanian films travel to short film fest

Two Lithuanian short films, Two Cups of Yoghurt by Audrius Mickevicius and Bridges by Jurate Samulionyte, will participate at the 1st European Short Film Co-production Forum Euro Connection at the…

Box Office National Hit: Lithuanias' Loss

Maris Martinsons' Loss (, a drama dealing with the problems of emigration, adoption and guardianship, scored the top spot at the Lithuanian box office for 2008.

Lithuanian Break-out director of 2008: Kristina Buozyte

Kristina Buozyte introduced herself both in Lithuania and on the international circuit with her film school graduation directing debut, The Collectress (

Marius Jampolskis - Lithuanian Actor in the Spotlight

Marius Jampolskis was awarded Lithuania's 2008 Silver Crane for best actor in Kristina Buozyte's Collectress.

Lithuania plans new Film Centre

The Lithuanian government has approved a plan to create a National Film Centre, which set to open in 2009.

MEDIA doc seminars at Vilnius festival

The MEDIA Programme Division of the International Cultural Programme Centre is offering seminars and discussions for documentary filmmakers during the Vilnius Documentary Film Festival.

Six Lithuanian documentary premieres at Vilnius Documentary Film Festival

The fifth edition of the Vilnius Documentary Film Festival (December 5-14 2008) will host six Lithuanian documentary premieres.

Bug Trainer premieres November 15 in Lithuania

Creative documentary The Bug Trainer ( about Ladislas Starewitch, the pioneer of puppet animation, premieres on November 15 in Vilnius, at the SCANORAMA International Film Festival.