
New Horizons Association Secures Cinema in Wrocław for Ten Years

    New Horizons Cinema New Horizons Cinema Photo by Wojciech Chrubasik

    WROCLAW: The City of Wrocław has signed a 10-year lease with Futureal Investment Partners and made the New Horizons Cinema available to the New Horizons Association till June 2032. Futureal Investment Partners will renovate the cinema and the building from August 2022 to May 2023.

    The renovation will be done gradually, so the 13th edition of the American Film Festival will take place in November 2022 as planned.

    Futureal Investment Partners will modernise the cinema with its own funds.

    “I am grateful to the city and the mayor, Jacek Sutryk, for actively engaging in negotiations with the new owner of the building, in these uneasy times for cinema and culture, and for bringing these negotiations to a positive conclusion”, says Roman Gutek, president of the New Horizons Association, in a statement.

    The New Horizons Cinema hosted 17 editions of the New Horizons IFF.