LJUBLJANA: The Slovenian Film Centre has distributed 3,407,540 EUR for the production of six feature and four short films.

LJUBLJANA: A total of 94 out of 135 submitted films have been selected for the 26th Festival of Slovenian Film Portoroz, which will run from 3 to 8 October 2023 in Portorož.

LJUBLJANA: The Slovenian Film Centre has distributed 432,000 EUR for the production of seven minority coproductions.

LJUBLJANA: Slovenian director Ester Ivakič starts shooting her debut feature Ida Who Sang So Badly Even the Dead Rose Up and Joined Her in Song / Ida, ki je pela tako grdo, da so še mrtvi vstali od mrtvih in zapeli z njo (working title Neither Voice) on 19 July 2023. The film is a Slovenian/Croatian coproduction supported by the Slovenian Film Centre.

LJUBLJANA: Slovenian director Klemen Dvornik started shooting his fourth feature film Block 5 / Blok 5 on 8 July 2023. The 30-days shooting of this Slovenian/Croatian/Serbian/Czech coproduction will take place in Ljubljana through August 2023.

LJUBLJANA: Slovenian documentary director Jani Sever starts shooting his debut feature Ciao Bela / Čao Bela on 3 July 2023. The Slovenian/Serbian/Croatian coproduction is a musical youth drama about a teenage girl facing dilemmas at the beginning of high school.

LJUBLJANA: Slovenian director Urška Djukić, who has won several awards for her short animated film Granny’s Sexual Life, co-directed by Émilie Pigeard, started shooting her debut feature Little Trouble Girls on 20 June 2023 in the small Italian town of Cividale del Friuli. This Slovenian/Italian/Croatian coproduction is expected to be finished in the spring of 2024.

BLED: The international programme ReActing as a Star, aiming at encouraging networking between the film and audiovisual actors in the region of ex-Yugoslavia countries, as well as increasing their presence in the European film industry, will take place in the Slovenian city of Bled 15 - 17 June 2023.

LJUBLJANA: Slovenian director Vinci Vogue Anžlovar will start shooting his sixth feature film Tartini’s Key / Tartinijev ključ on 4 May 2023. This child-youth crime adventure is a Slovenian/Italian coproduction, which will be shot in 30 days in Slovenia and Italy.

LJUBLJANA: At the initiative of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Robert Golob, the Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers’ Guilds (ZDSFU) is preparing a new strategic plan for the development of the Slovenian audiovisual industry until 2030, aiming to boost its potential. The summaries and guidelines of the document were already forwarded to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister by the ZDSFU a few days ago and a round table is scheduled for the second half of March 2023.